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Khums Calculation


Amount you own, in British Pounds ?
Calculated on your khums due date.
Equivalent amount, in British Pounds, of foreign currency you own ?
Calculated on your khums due date.
Debts owed to you that you expect to be repaid ?
Do not include this if it was accounted for in previous financial years.
In-kind possessions not used for sustenance ?
This includes buildings, farms, factories, commodities, work tools, and any household items or possessions not used for sustenance. Calculate these at present value if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed. If acquired with a combination of income, then calculate these at present value in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed.
Financial dues ?
This includes the due of key premium (surqufliah), the due of utilizing agricultural lands owned by the state, and the due of revival of lands which are fenced and prepared for residency. Calculate these at present value if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed. If acquired with a combination of income, then calculate these at present value in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed.
Amount you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
This is cash which was subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already spent (e.g. If this is the first year you pay khums, despite having needed to pay khums in previous years)
Fungible items you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
These are fungible items which were subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already utilized. Calculate these according to present value. Fungible items are those which are freely exchangeable or replaceable, in whole or in part, for another item of a similar nature, such as machinery or factory-produced fabrics.
Non-fungible items you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
These are non-fungible items which were subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already utilized. Calculate these according to their value at point of utilization. Non–fungible items are unique items, such as unique paintings, monuments, and unique jewelry.
Amount you already paid with intention of Sahm Al-Imam ?
Amount you paid with the intention of Sahm Al-Imam before your khums due date.
Amount you already paid with intention of Sahm Al-Sada ?
Amount you paid with the intention of Sahm Al-Sada before your khums due date.


Commercial debts ?
Include all commercial debts you still owe others.
Remaining sustenance debts taken in the financial year ?
Includes debts borrowed in the financial year for accommodation (mortgage), a car, etc. Please refer to more detailed rulings for accounting for mortgages.
Remaining sustenance debts taken in previous financial years ?
Includes debts borrowed in the previous financial year for accommodation (mortgage), a car, etc. The asset (house, car, etc.) must still be in your possession. Calculate only the amount that you have not deducted from your profits in previous financial years. Please refer to more detailed rulings for accounting for mortgages.
Amount you own which has already been subjected to khums ?
Calculated on your khums due date. Includes the remainder of funds that were subject to khums in previous years and on which you have already paid khums.
  1. 1) Your khums due date is the first day you started your job or business. If you are retired or not in employment, then you can agree a khums due date with a representative of the marja'a, or calculate separate khums years for each profit that you make, from the date you made that profit.
  2. 2) The khums of commercial commodities and real estate(s) which are intended for trading, should be paid in accordance with their current market value, even if they were bought with profits which a year has elapsed on, unless the price at which they were bought is higher than the current value.
  3. 3) If the calculations show that the amount of khums due is negative as a result of sustenance debts, then the amount of the sustenance debt equivalent to the amount of khums due for the rest of the item is calculated and excluded.
  4. 4) If sustenance debts are fully repaid in the financial year, this amount is excluded from the profits.
  5. 5) Possessions which are not subject to khums are:
    1. a. Possessions owned through inheritance:
    2. i. Cash
    3. ii. Real Estate
    4. iii. Objects that are transferrable and the like
    5. b. Possessions owned by the wife from the dowry (mahr):
    6. i. Cash
    7. ii. Gold Jewellery
    8. iii. Home furniture and the like
    9. c. Possessions used for personal or family provisions from the profits of that financial year:
    10. i. Home residence
    11. ii. Home furniture and other household items
    12. iii. Gardens used for leisure and to personally benefit from their fruit
    13. iv. Personal or family cars
    14. v. Animals that are benefited from by the household such as a cow for milk or a chicken for eggs
    15. d. Debts owed by others that you do not expect to be repaid.
    16. e. Items purchased through debt that has not yet been repaid.

Total amount subject to Khums £0

Khums Due £0

Sahm al Imam to be paid £0

Sahm al Sada to be paid £0

Email me Khums report

Children and families are struggling for survival in Afghanistan

Children and families in Afghanistan are fighting for survival amidst the aftermath of war, devastating floods, and harsh natural disasters. As homes lack essential resources, 28.3 million people are affected, creating one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises.

At Al-Ayn, our efforts extend beyond immediate emergency relief. We maintain a year-round grassroots presence, providing continuous support for orphaned children and their families.

Our initiatives in Afghanistan

Financial aid

Financial aid

Our financial aid initiative eases economic hardships, providing essential resources to meet basic needs and support the children’s education and overall well-being. This support includes a monthly stipend, which is spent by the mother or guardian of the child, to ensure their essential needs are being met.


Safe and secure housing

Safe and secure housing

We prioritise housing stability, ensuring safe and secure living conditions for orphaned children and their families. Through our housing support programme, we help families find safe accommodation and assist with rent and maintenance fees, allowing children to grow up in a secure and nurturing environment.


Healthcare support

Healthcare support

We ensure that orphaned children and families registered with Al-Ayn receive necessary medical care as needed. This includes health check-ups, access to specialist treatments, and emergency medical interventions, guaranteeing that every child receives quality healthcare to support their physical well-being.


Food Support

Food Support

Our food support programmes target hunger and malnutrition, ensuring orphaned children receive the essential nourishment needed for their growth and development. We distribute food parcels and baskets to families registered with Al-Ayn, helping them meet their nutritional needs throughout the year.


Support our Afghanistan Fund

As of 2024, acute malnutrition has reached critical levels in 25 out of 34 provinces in Afghanistan. Alarming statistics project that the situation will worsen, with nearly half of all children under five and a quarter of pregnant and breastfeeding women in desperate need of immediate nutritional support.

The Al-Ayn Afghanistan Fund is dedicated to holistic well-being, supporting orphaned children and families with more than just basic necessities. With our extensive expertise, we are equipped to provide essential aid. However, to meet the escalating needs, urgent expansion of our efforts is crucial.

By donating to the Al-Ayn Afghanistan Fund, you can help us deliver life-saving support to those who need it most. Join us in making a difference.

Be a Lifeline for Orphaned Children

Meet Somaya. Just seven years old, her young life has been marked by unimaginable hardship following the tragic loss of her father. Despite her difficult circumstances, and the intensifying humanitarian crisis affecting millions across the country, Somaya remains hopeful.

Al-Ayn is working to provide Somaya, and countless others just like her with the urgent support they need to live dignified lives, unencumbered by poverty.

Sponsor an orphaned child with Al-Ayn

When you sponsor a child with Al-Ayn, your monthly contribution provides vital financial aid, assisting the child’s guardian in meeting their basic necessities.

Based on expert-led research, we have determined the precise amount needed to lift an orphaned child out of poverty. Your sponsorship not only addresses the child’s immediate needs but also supports their long-term growth and well-being, empowering them to break free from the cycle of poverty and create a promising future.

Your Impact in Afghanistan

In 2021, Al-Ayn extended its mission to Afghanistan, leveraging 18 years of successful experience in Iraq. Our expertise in conflict zones enabled us to swiftly establish operations in Afghanistan and support orphaned children living in poverty.

Our approach in Afghanistan goes beyond financial assistance, aiming to provide orphaned children and their families with necessities for a better quality of life.

Thanks to your support, Al-Ayn has prioritised delivering long-term assistance to hundreds of families each month. Our comprehensive efforts include providing monthly financial aid, distributing seasonal support, family assistance grants, housing support, and healthcare support as needed.

Trust the Process

We know how important your donations are, that’s why Al-Ayn has set up a thorough due diligence system that processes donations swiftly and efficiently. With an office in Afghanistan, Al-Ayn ensures your donations are optimised by distributing them to beneficiaries based on thorough needs assessment

We also verify our processes by scholars and review donations for shariah compliance. With 18+ years of experience, your donation is in trusted hands. You will also receive updates on your donations through our newsletter and social media platforms.

Afghanistan Enquiries

If you have any questions or issues on how to donate to Afghanistan charitable projects please contact us now so that we can efficiently deliver your donation.