Total amount subject to Khums £0
Khums Due £0
Sahm al Imam to be paid £0
Sahm al Sada to be paid £0
Tree of Virtue
Al-Ayn (Iraq) has over nineteen Sadaqa Jariya projects across Iraq. Through your donations, some of the projects have been completed and are already transforming the lives of orphaned children.
This Ramadhan, we ask you to support a new Sadaqa Jariya project: Shajarat Tuba (Tree of Virtue). This is a fifteen-floored building in Karbala, Iraq that will serve orphaned children through:
The building also has a separate entrance to ten floors of hotel rooms, the profits of which will be utilised by Al-Ayn (Iraq) to sponsor 3,016 orphaned children annually.
Support the Shajarat Tuba (Tree of Virtue) project and leave your mark on the lives of orphaned children for years to come.
Donate online by clicking on the link below:
One share: £20
One square metre: £850
Alternatively, you may donate through a bank transfer using the below details:
Account Name: Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation
Account No: 20315753
Sort Code: 20-35-93
Reference: AYN CON
Note: Al-Ayn (UK) will use donations received for Shajarat Tuba to support this project to the extent possible under English law and in whatever manner the trustees consider appropriate, with any surplus funds used to support other projects which fall within Al-Ayn’s charitable purposes.